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Completing CrossRoads Business Advisors’ Seller Discovery Questionnaire helps us gain an understanding of your company, your goals, and the key metrics that make it unique. It is completely confidential. Fill out as much as you can, it’s okay if you don’t have all the answers right now. We’ll use it as a starting point.

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About You

About the Business

Is this the only entity?
Select the type of legal entity
Business owned or leased?
City and State only
Other facilities owned or leased?
Are there additional shareholders?
Who will be the primary contact?

General Management

Is there a succession plan for key personnel over 60?
Do any of your management personnel plan to retire within the next 3-5 years?
Do you have employment agreements in place with key employees?
Do key employees have Non-compete agreements?

General Sales

Who are your customers/clients?
How are your sales throughout the year?
Do you keep a backlog?

General Accounting

Are your financials?
In general, profit margins are
Do you run multiple P&L's?
Are there large CapEx needs within the next 12-24 months?


Do you carry inventory?
Is all work performed by full-time employees?
Do you subcontract work?
Do you have 1099 workers?
Is your workforce seasonal?


Competitive Landscape

Are you the
Generally speaking, what is the employment turn-over rate in your field?

Market Dynamics

Is your market?
Is governmental or regulatory intervention in your field

Systems, Internal Processes, Technology

Do you have clear systems, processes, and written procedures?
In regard to the technology curve, are you

Assets, Equipment, Tools & Vehicles

Are your assets, equipment, and/or tools
Is your vehicle fleet
Is there a formal preventative maintenance plan in place?
Are you current with the preventative maintenance?

M&A Process

Are you currently interviewing or working with business brokers/transaction advisors?
In the last 12 months have you received an offer to purchase your business?
What are your intentions after the sale?
If referred, please add a name so we know who to thank!